
Awesome... You're thinking about shooting content with me, hurray!!! Lets go over what needs to happen in order for us to make some magic...

Note: All productions will be both photo and video content with nudity (solo, male/female, female/female, other. I do not burr out faces for any and all photos and videos! Please keep this in mind! Also, you must already be in Dallas, TX or near by. Other logistical options could be worked out such as Austin or Houston. If you are out of state, there is nothing I can do for you... Also, if the shoot is a male/female or female/female adult content shoot, you're health paperwork will be required. I only know of Talenttestingcenter click here and Anylabtestnow click here and only accepting 14 day or less test.

Side note: Austin to Dallas = 2h 53m (195 mi) | Houston to Dallas = 3h 27m (239 mi) | San Antonio to Dallas = 4h 6m (274 mi). Not factoring in weather and traffic conditions.

In addition: Currently only doing collaborations, content trade, trade for pay (TFP) productions. Other compensation could be worked out however this is a "Mom and Pop" like production site!!! If you are a pro or non-pro model/performer/independent/amateur please keep this in mind!

  1. All models / performers regardless if you are with an agency (Examples: Ladirectmodels, Ocmodeling, Coxxxmodels, TheBakeryTalent, etc...) or non-agency/independent/amateur (self explanatory) must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the production with a valid state issued ID!

  2. A phone conversation must occur before any production can take place. More then likely I noticed you or you noticed me on Instagram/Twitter-X which has a ton of spam/ghost/AI/copycat/fake profiles. Henceforth, a phone conversation has to happen!

  3. During the phone conversation is where we can get into more specifics about the production, legal, location, compensation etc...

  4. During the production time is where all aspects include the production, legal paperwork, production specifics, etc... Will be finalized.

    Thank you so much for your interest in shooting for me and if not, I wish you the very best!